Pizza Lunch Registration Forms

Dear Parents/Guardians:

École Communautaire Rawlinson Community School’s School Advisory Council (SAC) is arranging monthly pizza lunches. Proceeds raised will go towards school enhancements, such as new technology and arts programming for our school. We are collecting money and order forms for the final five lunches.

The pizza lunches are on the following dates (all Fridays except April 16, which is a Thursday):

February 28 March 27 April 16 May 29 June 12

As the pizza is pre-ordered all forms must be returned by:

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

No refunds are permitted.

Reminders will be sent out in the weekly newsletter in advance of each lunch. Students will also be reminded during morning announcements.

Best regards,

E. Altosaar, Principal and Rawlinson SAC

Register and pay online at https:


Complete, detach and submit the form below to your child’s teacher by Wednesday February 19 2020.


Pizza Lunch Program Permission Form

My child, __________________________, in Room #______, will participate in the five pizza lunches.

Please check off one option for your standing order

___ 1cheese slice + 1 juice = $4 x 5 = $20

___ 2 cheese slices + 1 juice = $5 x 5 = $25

___ 1 pepperoni slice + 1 juice = $4 x 5 = $20

___ 2 pepperoni slices + 1 juice = $5 x 5 = $25

□ Check this box if your child requires gluten-free pizza.

Subsidies are available.

Total money enclosed: $___________________ □ cash or □ cheque (made payable to “Rawlinson SAC”)

Parent/Guardian’s Signature__________________________________Date_____________

If you would like to be contacted about volunteering for this parent-led initiative, please provide your contactinformation above and check this box:

□ Parent’s e-mail___________________________Phone number_________________

Questions? Send us an email at: